El perdón y la amargura
Por: Jocelyna Veras IntroducciónUno de los preceptos o mandatos bíblicos más demandantes en la vida…
Estamos maravillados
de ver la buena mano de Dios
al permitirnos poner a tu alcance
este centro
de capacitación teológica
A través del conocimiento
y entrenamiento en la
Palabra de Dios,
a fin de servir a la iglesia y al mundo
Esperamos poder imprimir
estos valores y mantener
estos propósitos
en cada curso y etapa de nuestro programa
By God's grace, our center for theological training offers you the highest levels of instruction at the most affordable prices.
The primary objective of the STS Master of Theology program is to provide the student with the knowledge, training, and ministry tools necessary to be prepared to fulfill all the biblical requirements of a pastor and equipped for faithful and effective pastoral ministry, confronting all the challenges that face the work of God in the 21st century.
A foundational objective that gave rise to Santiago Theological Seminary was to raise the Biblical and academic standard in the theological preparation of future servants of God. This is only possible with teachers who are highly prepared and have the experience and godliness necessary to provide sound and competent instruction. We believe that, by God's grace, we have reached this goal. We feel immensely grateful and privileged that God has provided us a faculty of highly qualified teachers.
THEOLOGICAL AND PASTORAL PROGRAM: The primary objective of the STS Master of Theology program is to provide the student with the knowledge, training, and ministry tools necessary to be prepared to fulfill all the biblical requirements of a pastor and equipped for faithful and effective pastoral ministry, confronting all the challenges that face the work of God in the 21st century. At the same time, the secondary objective of this program is to provide essential training to men and women for the various ministries within the work of the gospel (education, counseling, youth ministry, missions, etc.).
Introduction to Systematic Theology
Dr. David Garner holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Carolina; a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and a PhD from Westminster Theological Seminary. Dr. Garner is a minister of...
Doctrine of Man - Missions
Dr. Bruce A. McDowell is the son of missionary parents born in Paraguay. He has traveled and worked in ministry in 48 countries preaching, teaching, and doing orphan and relief ministry. He has also served as an adjunct professor at the...
Hermeneutics - Church History
Dr. Cornelius (Neal) Hegeman holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (1975); Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Education from Reformed Bible College in Grand Rapids, Michigan (1978); Master of Divinity degree, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan (1978); Master of Divinity degree, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids,...
Systematic Theology
Will Stern is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) and church planter of Hope Presbyterian Church in Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania. He is a native of Colorado and studied violin...
Expository Preaching - Pastoral Ministry - Church Doctrine
Aris Sanchez is originally from the Dominican Republic and grew up in New York. He is an ordained minister in the Christian Reformed Church. He is currently a Co-Senior Pastor at Spirit & Truth Fellowship Church in Philadelphia.
Church Plantation
Dr. Finn earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from West Chester University, his Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida, USA.
Overview of the Old Testament
Kyle Ferguson es el pastor de la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Westminster en Roanoke, Virginia. Graduado de la Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Kyle está actualmente trabajando en un doctorado en estudios del Antiguo Testamento en el Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary en…
Doctrina de Salvación
Juan José Pérez es pastor en la Iglesia Bautista de la Gracia, en Santiago de los Caballeros (República Dominicana).
Nuevo Testamento
El Dr. Briones se unió a la comunidad de Westminster desde el Reformation Bible College, donde se desempeñó como profesor de Nuevo Testamento (2014-2019).
Introducción a la Consejería y Consejería Matrimonial
Actualmente Michael es el director ejecutivo de Blue Ridge Christian Counseling en Virginia. Michael es originario de Carolina del Sur, y antes de mudarse a Virginia se desempeñó como consejero profesional con licencia en Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF)…
Posee un doctorado en divinidad honorífico de la escuela de teología protestante de Mihail Starin en Croacia. Además, tiene una maestría en divinidades del Covenant Theological Seminary y cursó su licenciatura en ciencias en la universidad estatal de Pensilvania.
Historia de la Iglesia
Bob Davis ha servido como Pastor Principal de la Iglesia Presbiteriana del Valle de Draper desde 2008. Obtuvo su Maestría en divinidades en Princeton Theological Seminary. Está casado con Kim y tienen 4 hijos y 5 nietos.
Chris Istrati nació en Buenos Aires, Argentina. A los nueve años, él y su familia inmigraron a los EE. Se casó con Melody, hija de misioneros al Paraguay. Melody y Chris tienen tres hijas, Alegra, Natalie, y Desirée, ya casadas…
Por: Jocelyna Veras IntroducciónUno de los preceptos o mandatos bíblicos más demandantes en la vida…
By Bruce A. McDowell This past week I have been thinking about a contrast between the...
With the words, "I can't breathe!" George Floyd, a tall African-American father of two,...
Many wonder, as with any calamity or disaster, why God has allowed this...
Santiago Theological Seminary for me has been a gift from God. I had been trying for years to find a place where I could learn about the word of God in an unadulterated way, and the day I least thought through social networks I found this special gift.
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"Residing in Santo Domingo was not the main obstacle to start my Master's studies at STS; finding teachers and doctors of the highest level in academic degrees from the prestigious Westminster Theological Seminary (USA) in the Reformed Orthodox tradition, motivated us in a very special way; but...
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I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to testify what the opportunity to enter the Santiago Theological Seminary has meant. On March 9, 2016, I took on the great challenge of pastoring the Comunidad Cristiana de Santiago church. Until then, my theological knowledge was scarce for my role, since I...
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"For me, the experience of being in the STS has been a highly rewarding experience... the depth with which the topics have been treated, the concepts issued. I have learned a lot, I have learned to study the Bible in a different way, I have learned to value the word of God in a different way....
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"In my pastoral vocation and as a Bible teacher, the STS has been a valuable resource and a very important stage in my life. Not only for the knowledge acquired, but also for the fact of receiving wisdom through excellent teachers and great authors. If you want to know more...
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We hope to imprint these values and maintain these purposes in each course and stage of our preparation program, so that you may benefit from them, and at the same time shape your future ministry for the cause of Christ and His gospel, so that the glory of God may fill the whole earth.